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Criteria & Qualifications

                                 THANK YOU FOR YOUR APPLICATION!

Criteria, Policies & Guidelines used in processing application(s):

Combined gross monthly verifiable income for applicant(s) must be at least 3 times the monthly rent.  A TransUnion Credit score of 645+ is required.  In the event of two or more adults, an AVERAGE score will be determined from each adult’s credit score.  Our decision is based on several factors: the information in your credit report & score, prior & current rental history and/or property ownership, stability & history of income, & public records, which is investigated and considered.

Each adult (18 years or older) is required to submit their own application.  All documents must be legible, complete and signed for processing. A non-refundable fee of $35.00 payable to Huston Associates Real Estate in the form of a cashier’s check/money order is required for each applicant when submitting paper applications to our office.  Using our application on our website requires the use of a credit card which charges a convenience fee.  We do not accept applications submitted from 3rd party websites.  When submitting, attach the following documents with your application:

· Verification of full Social Security number, or Individual Tax ID number.

· Written & current verification of income from source of monies received & reported:    For example: 3 months of pay check stubs, W-2’s, OR Tax Return.

· Current Utility and/or cell phone bill for residence in applicant(s) name.


Applicant(s) with an unlawful detainer action will not be accepted. Credit reports that-for example-show a history of gas/electric/water account collections, judgments, and/or liens with no positive trade lines will result in denial of the application. A Guarantor or co-signer will not be considered.  Reports “unable to score” will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Our office will accept a reusable consumer credit report (and no application fee is required) which contains: (a) a consumer credit report prepared by one of the national credit bureaus WITHIN the past thirty days; (b) a report containing the prospective tenant's criminal history; (c) a report containing the prospective tenant's eviction history; and (d) an employment verification. A completed & legible application must still be submitted along with the documentation.   We recommend that you either submit completed applications via email or submit in person to our office.             

Our office considers applicants that have a government rent subsidy.  Your voucher/benefits letter from the agency must be included with your application.  You must meet all the other criteria & provide the documentation from the agency approving the advertised rent (or be higher) AND the bedroom count matching the voucher when submitting the application(s).  Eligibility, specific program requirements & instructions are handled directly by the agency that is issuing the voucher.  With a voucher, our income requirement is waived (but not your income documentation). 

Applicants with a government rent subsidy have the option of providing lawful, verifiable alternative evidence (in lieu of a credit report) of the applicant’s reasonable ability to pay the portion of the rent to be paid by the tenant, including but not limited to, government benefit payments, pay records, and bank statements.  Verification of employment (sources of income), landlord references, and identity verification is still required.

Completed applications are date/time stamped and processed in the order received.  If your application(s) do not qualify, you will receive a copy of your consumer credit report.  If approved, you will have viewed the property and pay the security deposit within 24 hours (weekends & judicial holidays excluded) of our offer to rent, along with providing the original government issued Photo ID or Passport for each adult.  Rent is due on the first of each month.  You’ll be required to sign a written contract, along with taking possession within two weeks or sooner—unless other arrangements are made in advance.

REVISED:   March 8th, 2025                

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